Terms of Use

The online store https://bravosine.com/ is owned by:

Beo Capital Partners d.o.o. Beograd-Savski venac

City: Belgrade | Street and number: Bulevar Oslobodjenja 2, floor: G, apartment number: 2

Activity code: 6020 | Activity name: Production and broadcasting of television programs

Company registration number: 21365009 | VAT number: 110578654

Website: https://bravosine.com/

Phone: +38163217013 Email: podrska@bravosine.com

(hereinafter: BCP).

BCP provides you with access to all information published on the website.

On the website, you can review the offer of the subscription package in detail, without any constrains or the obligation to purchase the package. BCP services on the website are only available with the purchase of one of the subscription packages. Also, certain BCP services on the website are free of charge, for certain categories of sports content, according to the business policy, which represents BCP's discretionary right.

In order to use BCP services on the webpage https://bravosine.com/, it is necessary for customers to subscribe to the services (service purchase), by choosing one of the offered packages.

Content usage that does not comply with these Terms of Use is prohibited and BCP reserves the right to deny use of Content on the website to any user who violates the Terms of Use , but also to take other legal protection measures against various abuses of content, such as unauthorized sharing of content with non-registered and non-subscribed users on the page https://bravosine.com/.

Subscription Packages

The following service packages are available to customers:

Subscription fees for a validity period of 30 days are indicated with each of the offered packages and are paid by payment card (for individuals and legal entities) or by payment to the account (only if the customer is registered as a legal entity).

The purchased service is available immediately after the payment has been approved (for payment to the account - for legal entities) or automatically if the payment is made by payment card (for individuals and legal entities that choose this method of payment), regarding which the customer will receive a confirmation to their email address. Once the customer confirms the purchase, he/she assumes the obligation of payment for the ordered service.

Delivery of Service

The service is provided in all countries unless there are certain other local restrictions in the countries from which viewing of content from the BCP site is requested.

A confirmation of the completed purchase and the details of the transaction through which the service is realized is sent to the customer's email address.

Methods of Payment

Payment for services on our online store can be made through one of the following options: by payment cards - VISA, Maestro, MasterCard, DinaCard or AmericanExpress that support payment via the Internet or by payment to the account if the customer is registered as a legal entity.

Card payments are made in cooperation with AllSecure d.o.o. and Banca Intesa a.d. and are done in a safe and certified way through the AllSecure Paymet Gateway, by simply entering the information from the payment card.

After entering the card details and confirming the payment, the bank authorizes the transaction and thus the purchased service is approved. The amount will be reserved on your card (account) and will not be available for any other purpose.

In case the payment is not completed, i.e. the amount is not removed from the account, the purchased service will be canceled and deleted. After that, you can repeat the same or a new service purchase, and make the related payment.

Check with the bank that issued the card whether your card supports payment via the Internet.

When entering payment card data, confidential information is transmitted via a public network in a protected (encrypted) form using the SSL protocol, using the latest available methods of tokenization of sensitive data, and in accordance with PCI-DSS standards. At no time are the payment card data available to the merchant, or BCP.

3D Secure protection for all merchants and customers - AllSecure Payment Gateway uses the highest global standards of data protection and privacy. All merchants using the AllSecure Payment Gateway are automatically included in the 3D-Secure protection, guaranteeing customers the security of their purchases. Customers' payment card numbers are not stored on the BCP system, and the registration itself is protected by SSL data encryption.

PCI DSS Standards - AllSecure Payment Gateway constantly complies with all requirements of card organizations in order to increase the security level of merchants and customers. From 2005 until today, the system has been certified, without any interruption, as PCI-DSS Level 1, which represents the highest standard in the industry. The PCI Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) is a norm that defines the necessary security measures for the processing, storage and transmission of sensitive card information. PCI Standards protect sensitive information about the cardholder during the entire payment process: from the moment of information entry at the merchant's point of sale, during communications between the merchant and relevant banks and card organizations, as well as later storage of such information.

Card Registration Statement

When the customer's payment card information is TOKENIZED (saved in a certified manner for later use), at his/her request or by the merchant's decision, that information is stored on AllSecure PCI-DSS level 1 certified servers. Card information thus tokenized is transmitted in a completely secure and certified manner. At no time does the merchant have access to information about the card number and other sensitive information. Instead, the merchant receives a reference number (token) that only they can use in accordance with the conditions agreed with the customer. The customer has the option of deregistering a previously registered card, as well as changing the details of a previously tokenized card.

Conversion Statement

All payments will be effected in Serbian currency – dinar (RSD). The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Serbian dinar according to the current exchange rate of the Serbian National Bank. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site.

Subscription Renewal and Cancellation

The subscription is renewed automatically every 30 days, until the customer cancels it. Legal entities that choose payment by payment to the account are required to make the payment in such a way that BCP records the payment in the period from 2 days before the expiration of the previous subscription validity period to 2 days after the expiration of the previous subscription validity period. If BCP does not record the payment in the specified period, the customer will be prevented from using the services on the website.

In the event that the customer cancels the subscription, it is available and valid until the expiration of the validity of the last extended subscription, except in the case of exercising the right to cancel the purchase, under the conditions prescribed by the Law on Consumer Protection (Official Gazette of RS, No. 88/2021).

The Right to Opt Out

According to the Law on Consumer Protection, the purchase of services through our website https://bravosine.com/ is considered remote sale of services.

The customer has the right to unilaterally cancel the purchase of the service within 14 days from the day of purchase of the service, without stating a reason. By unilateral termination, the customer is released from all contractual obligations, except for the immediate costs of returning the service.

The customer is denied the right to unilateral termination if with the express consent of the customer, which is considered to be every first viewing of the content on the page https://bravosine.com/ after the purchase of the package, that is, if BCP starts providing the service before the expiration of the time in which unilateral termination of the contract is allowed.

If BCP does not start providing the service before the expiration of the period in which unilateral termination of the contract is allowed, the Customer can submit the cancellation statement in writing from the email address he/she used when purchasing the service, to the following email address: podrska@bravosine.com.

In remote sale cases, the law establishes the right of the customer, who is considered a consumer (a natural person who purchases a service to satisfy their individual needs, and not to perform a professional activity), to cancel the purchase within 14 days from the day the service was delivered. When canceling, the customer may or may not state their reasons for canceling.

The declaration of opting out from the purchase of services has legal effect from the day it is sent to the seller.

In case of opting out of the purchase, the customer has the right to a refund.

The seller is obliged to return to the customer the amount paid by the customer without delay, and no later than within 14 days from the day of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal.

In case of opting out from the service or the refund of funds to a customer who previously made a payment through one of the payment cards, partially or in full, and regardless of the reason for the return, BCP is obliged to make the refund and the bank, at the request of the seller, will refund the funds to the account card user.


In case of a refund to a customer who previously paid with one of the payment cards, partially or in full, and regardless of the reason for the refund, this refund is made exclusively via the same VISA, Maestro, MasterCard, DinaCard or AmericanExpress card that was used for payment. This means that our bank will refund the funds to the cardholder's account at our request.

The costs of returning the service and money are borne by the customer, except in cases where the customer receives the wrong service.

VAT statement

VAT included in the price and there are no hidden costs.


In case you have any complaints about our service, feel free to contact us. Rest assured that we are ready and able to handle any situation that arises. Complaints based on the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 88/2021) should be sent by email to podrska@bravosine.com.

In accordance with the Law on Consumer Protection, the customer has the right to initiate a dispute resolution procedure out of court, before the competent bodies for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes, if he/she has previously declared a complaint to BCP. According to the law, the seller is obliged to participate in the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes.

The complaint resolution procedure is carried out based on the provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 88/2021).

You have the right to exchange the service if it is clearly visible on the platform that the error was not caused by improper use, but that there was an error in the delivery of the service.

The deadline for responding to a complaint is 8 days from the receipt of the complaint. The deadline for resolution is 15 days from the receipt of the complaint.

In the case of acceptance of the claim, the refund is made at the expense of BCP, and the application follows a simple procedure:

  1. Send your request to podrska@bravosine.com

Be sure to provide the following information:

In the event that it is unable to replace the service for which it accepts the complaint with an adequate one, BCP undertakes to return the funds to the customer.

In case of a refund to the customer who paid for the goods with one of the payment cards, in part or in full, BCP is obliged to make the refund so that the bank, at the request of the seller, will refund the funds exclusively to the card user's account.

The customer cannot in any case, under any conditions, request a refund in cash for a transaction made using one of the payment cards.

Protection of Personal Information

BCP takes care of your personal information with the highest possible degree of care, in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 87/2018).

On behalf of BCP, we are committed to protecting the privacy of all our customers. We collect only necessary, basic information about customers/users and information necessary for business operations and informing users in accordance with good business practices and with the aim of providing quality service. We provide customers with choices including the ability to decide whether or not they want to be removed from mailing lists used for marketing campaigns. All user/customer information is strictly stored and is available only to employees who need this information to perform their work. All BCP employees are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.



The Rulebook on the protection of personal information of website users (hereinafter: the Rulebook) refers to the services provided through the website https://bravosine.com/ owned by BCP.

Personal Information

Personal information is any information relating to a natural person whose identity is determined or determinable, directly or indirectly, in particular on the basis of an identity marker, such as name and identification number, location information, identifiers in electronic communication networks or one, i.e. more features of his physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural and social identity.

A user in the sense of the Rulebook is a natural person who uses the services, and to whom the personal information refers.

BCP protects the user's personal information and privacy in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Serbia and with the highest degree of care.

Purpose of Processing and Information that is Collected

It is established that BCP is the handler of personal information since it independently determines the purpose and method of processing it.

BCP collects personal user information in order to smoothly provide information company services (hereinafter: Services).

To clarify, an information company service is any service that is usually provided for a fee, remotely, by electronic means at the user's request.

In the context of the website https://bravosine.com/ Services are related to the online sale of services on the website.

In order to use the Services, it is necessary to provide the following personal information: first and last name, e-mail address for natural persons, and company name, address, city, VAT and company registration number for legal entities, as well as the type of user (natural or legal entity).

Legal Basis for Information Processing

Personal information is processed based on the user's consent.

Consent is any voluntary, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of the will of the user, by which the user, by means of a statement or a clear affirmative action, gives consent to the processing of personal information related to them. It is considered that the use of the Services by the user constitutes a clear affirmative action by which the user has given consent to the processing of personal information.

In order to remove any doubts, by using the Services, the user confirms that he/she is previously familiar with and agrees with the Rulebook prescribed here, which was made available to him/her and is readable and understandable.

The legal basis for processing personal information can be a contractual relationship with the user, as well as compliance with BCP's legal obligations.

The legal basis for information processing can also be the protection of vital interests of the user or another natural person. It is stated that the processing may be necessary for the purpose of achieving the legitimate interests of BCP, or of a third party, unless those interests are outweighed by the interests or basic rights and freedoms of the user that require the protection of personal information, especially if the user is a minor.

For example, BCP's legitimate interests may be:

1) better understanding of users and user experience;

2) business protection and user support;

3) testing and development of new services or improvement of existing ones;

4) identification and protection of users and the website from illegal activities;

Processing of Personal Information

The persons who process personal information are those persons who are employed by BCP and all related legal entities where BCP is the majority owner, who have the authority to process personal information, as well as all the authorities of the Republic of Serbia that exercise the right based on legal provisions and the decision of the competent court information processing.

The type of processing operations that are performed are the collection of personal information, use, recording, copying and searching; for the purpose of monitoring its attendance and optimization of the Service, BCP may use Google Analytics, a platform of analytical services provided by Google, LLC (hereinafter: Google). Google Analytics uses technologies that allow BCP to more easily analyze how users access it.

The information collected in this way is transferred to and stored on Google servers located in the United States of America. Google, using appropriate protection measures, processes information related to the activities on the website and the use of the Internet. Google may pass this information on to third parties in situations where the law requires it, or when said third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google. By using the Services, the user consents to Google processing the information, in the manner described here and for the above-mentioned purposes, and it is stated that Google is the processor of personal information.

For the sake of electronic payment for Services, BCP can use the electronic services of banks with a valid license from the National Bank of Serbia, which are also processors of personal information, although at no time will BCP's information system have access to the user's payment card data and BCP does not collect such data. Each of the given banking transactions is based on the use of appropriate protocols, while specific information is transmitted in accordance with the latest encryption standards.

In order to carry out delivery operations, BCP can also hire courier services that, on behalf of BCP, process the user's personal information necessary for the performance of their contractual obligations.


A minor who has reached the age of 15 (in letters: fifteen) can independently give consent for the processing of personal information in the use of the Services. If it is a minor who has not reached the age of 15 (in letters: fifteen), consent must be given by the parent exercising parental rights, or another legal representative of the minor, for the processing of information from paragraph 1 of this article.

BCP takes all reasonable measures in order to determine whether the consent was given by the parent exercising parental rights, that is, the other legal representative of the minor, taking into account the available technologies.

BCP implements appropriate technical, physical and organizational security measures to protect personal information from accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure (including remote access) or access and from all other forms of unlawful processing, including unnecessary collection or further processing . These measures ensure a level of security that corresponds to the risk of information compromise taking into account the situation, implementation costs and the nature, scope, context and purpose of personal information processing.

Despite all the measures taken, the possibility of a personal information security breach is not excluded. In the event of a breach of personal information security, BCP, in accordance with the law, undertakes adequate remedial measures and elimination of harmful consequences in a timely manner and delivers to the user and the competent authorities all relevant information that may be required in connection with the breach of personal information security.

Intellectual property rights

The content of this website, including but not limited to all materials, information, data, software, icons, text, graphics, overall design, images, sound clips, advertisements, video clips, names, logos, trademarks, and designs displayed on the website, is protected by law, including but not limited to copyright and trademark law. The content of the website is the property of BCP, its advertisers, and/or sponsors and/or is licensed for the needs of BCP. The user agrees that they do not acquire any rights, ownership, or interest in or related to the website or the content displayed on it.

Any use (including but not limited to reproduction, copying, publishing, broadcasting, republishing, and making available in any other way) of the content is prohibited unless previously approved and expressly agreed upon in writing by BCP.

"BCP Trademarks" refers to all names, trademarks, brands, logos, designs, slogans, internet domains, and other marks used by BCP in connection with its content and services, including the website. The user may not remove or alter any BCP trademark or use it for their own purposes or materials without prior written permission from BCP. The user acknowledges the trademark rights of BCP and fully agrees not to use BCP trademarks without its prior written consent. The user agrees not to use any BCP trademark as part of their trademarks, service titles, company names, internet domains, internet addresses, or any similar designations or in any other manner.

User Rights

The user has the following rights:

  1. The right to transparent, truthful and timely information regarding the processing of personal information;
  2. The right to request information from BCP on whether his/her personal information is being processed;
  3. The right to have inaccurate personal information about him/her corrected or supplemented;
  4. The right to delete his/her personal information;
  5. The right to revoke consent to the processing of personal information;
  6. The right to receive the collected personal information in a structured, commonly used and electronically readable form, which includes the smooth transfer of the given information to another operator;
  7. The right to submit an objection to BCP at any time regarding the processing of his/her personal information when the processing is necessary in order to achieve BCP's legitimate interests, as well as in the case when personal information is processed for the purposes of direct advertising;
  8. The right to submit a complaint to the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data on the conduct of BCP regarding the processing of personal information;

Information Retention Period

The user's personal information will never be processed more than necessary. Personal information will be processed until consent is revoked, except in situations where there is another basis for processing. This includes processing that is a necessary and proportionate measure in a democratic society for the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms, which includes the pursuit of BCP's legitimate interests in civil and other matters.

Application of Law and Entry into Force

For all other issues in the field of personal information protection, the Law on Personal Data Protection ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 87/2018) will be applied.

This Rulebook enters into force on January 1, 2024.


The user can get all information regarding this Rulebook by sending an e-mail message to podrska@bravosine.com.

BCP reserves the right to ignore any irrelevant inquiry or inquiry not addressed to the address provided here.